What should I do when problem occur?

MultipleCloud have 4 ways for support our customer

- Our library, you can browse and find solution in our library here

- Ticket system, you can drop a ticket when you have a problem here (For support department, please login first).

- Livechat, avaliable in timely manner. We try to rotate our staff to online as much as possible.

- Email, sales@multiplecloud.com for sales inquiries, support@multiplecloud.com for technical support inquiries and billing@multiplecloud.com for billing-related inquiries

Suchamas Suepduang

Suchamas Suepduang has written 21 articles

Suchamas is involved in the day to day operations of MultipleCloud, creating account, and billing operation. She has experience in accounting field for over 5 years before joined MultipleCloud.