We offer free migration for our client that migrate their website to MultipleCloud. However, if you would like to migrate your website yourself, you can follow simple instruction here.
1. Get File in .zip format and database (.sql file which can export via phpMyadmin) from old hosting.
2. Login to cloudPanel
3. Add domain. Instruction
4. Go to mysql database menu and create database. Instruction
5. Go to phpMyadmin and import .sql database file. Instruction
6. Go to file manager, navigate to your document root (Typically, same as domain name) and upload file. Instruction
7. Extract file
8. Change database connection detail in configuration file. This may vary by which type of script. For example, wordpress – you should edit file wp-config.php
9. Final step – Change name server of your domain and wait until dns update. Your website will be access from our server.
If you have any question, feel to ask us at anytime!