We are expanding :) IP in all continent in the world

We are exciting to announcement our improvement step again. Now We have increased number of total IP to be setup to 120 IPs (from 80 ips). Now we have IP in all continent of this world already :) America, south america, europe, africa, asia, asia oeanea are ours. You will gain the most of SEO result with truely diverse location across the world. All IP are setup in different machine to protect your identity. We hope you enjoy the SEO from our hosting. :)

If you interest to increase your IP address/hosting, just let us know by submit ticket and there are support staff stand by to assist you.

Information in this page may not accurate due to historical change over the time. Please contact us if you have further question.

Suchamas Suepduang

Suchamas Suepduang has written 21 articles

Suchamas is involved in the day to day operations of MultipleCloud, creating account, and billing operation. She has experience in accounting field for over 5 years before joined MultipleCloud.